Prepare for a Major Life Shift: Uranus Enters Taurus
-Tulip Joshi
We are set to embark on a new cosmic cycle this Oct 30, 2023
Aham Brahmasmi !-Tulip Joshi
Aham Brahmasmi !-Tulip Joshi
Time is Cyclical:
All the best!❤️Om Gurave namaha!
All the best!❤️Om Gurave namaha!
Kundalini Shakti :
जय माँ शक्ति“
May the divine protect & empower you”
It is essential to be mindful of our emotions, thoughts and actions during the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in (Tula Rasi) Libra on May 5, 2023. Know yourself to Free yourself! - Tulip Joshi
Navratri (sanskrit)nav: nine ratri: night